Monday, September 7, 2015

Our First Week Together!

Hello First Grade Families!

Welcome to our first blog post of the school year. I hope you'll visit weekly to discover all that we are learning in first grade! Please feel free to share our blog link with friends and family who might be interested in seeing what your child is up to during the school day. I encourage you to also use our blog for a conversation starter with your kiddo about his/her school day. Oftentimes, first graders don't share an awful lot about their day. Our blog will give you some insight into what we're doing so that you have a starting point for conversations. I encourage you to have a look at this great article as well - "23 Questions to Ask Instead of How Was Your Day at School."

On to our week!
This week was all about getting to know each other and beginning to learn our routines and expectations. During our assembly on the first day, all of our new staff and students were introduced then we learned about The Stormonth Way. Ask your child about the new green, yellow, red cup system in the lunchroom. Our focus in the lunchroom will be on MANNERS, and we learned that Miss Manners will come to visit throughout the year! Ask your child to tell you how s/he can show his/her best manners in the lunchroom. 

During Morning Meeting on our first day, we took turns sharing a little something about ourselves then later in the day played Find-a-Friend BINGO! We discovered that it is really important that we pay attention when others are speaking. For those that were, they were able to find friends quickly for each of the categories on their Bingo boards.

It was so much fun getting to know
more about our classmates!

We read the book If You Take a Mouse to School then created our own version of it...

We also began our Reader's Workshop routines. Each of us has our own book bin with just-right books in it. We spent time this week building our stamina while reading independently...

and while reading with a partner...

We also learned other ways that READERS BUILD GOOD HABITS. First we learned about how important it is for us to take a sneak-peek AND think BEFORE we read a book. This helps us to get the story in our head, to make predictions and to help us during reading if we get stuck on a tricky word. We also learned that DURING reading, we should check our sneak-peeks. Here we are taking sneak-peeks and thinking with a partner...

Next week we'll spend some more time with what readers do DURING reading and learn about what readers do AFTER reading. We'll also begin charting our READING STAMINA! 

We used our writing time this week to talk and write about what we hope to learn in first grade. I tied our conversation into setting goals for ourselves as learners. When you join us for Parent Information Night on Wednesday, September 16th, you'll be able to see what your child wrote! We also spent our writing time this week doing our first writing sample where we wrote about a small moment from our lives. This piece is being used to determine next steps in your child's learning and as a piece to look at again at the end of our Small Moments narrative writing unit. This way your child can see his/her growth and set new goals!

During math this week we explored some tools in our classroom and talked about the difference between tools and toys. Here we are exploring with unifix cubes and pattern blocks. 

We also learned some math games to practice working with a partner.

We learned how to play "Roll & Remove."
 To play, we rolled two dice, found the sum,
 then removed the penny from that number on our 2-12 number line. 

We also explored games independently...
Shake & Spill: Shake and spill ten double-sided counters.
Arrange them on the ten-frame. Write how many of each color.
Then write an addition equation to go with those numbers. 

Roll two dice. Write an equation to
go with your roll.

Roll & Build: Roll two dice. Create a unifix cube
tower to cover the number you rolled. 

Select a number card, then write an equation.

For those who wanted a challenge - and there were many of them - we extended their learning by writing addition and subtraction equations for games that didn't require it and turn-around facts to demonstrate their understanding of the commutative property of addition. Some even demonstrated their understanding of what the = symbol means by writing equations like this: 8 = 5 + 3. They really knocked my socks off with their mathematical thinking and in their desire to push themselves in their learning!

We spent one of our specials blocks this week learning about The Stormonth Way in the hallway...

In the bathrooms...

In our bus lines and on the bus...

and also in the lunchroom.

Ask your child about how s/he can be SAFE, RESPECTFUL & RESPONSIBLE 
in each of these areas.

We also began our King and Queen of the Week routine! This is a day that features one of our classmates. We learn a lot about their name and about them! First we begin by looking closely at their name. We say it, write it, cheer it, count it, clap it and fix it! 

Here we are building Lucia's name (fixing it)...

and then using what we know about her name to figure out the missing letters.

After we learn all about their name, we interview them. I type this up while the interview is being conducted. Next, we read the interview together. 

Our first Queen was Lucia...

and our first King was Harrison...

And, of course, we enjoyed some time outdoors with some old friends and new friends, too!

*Please remember to send your child with his/her FAVORITE BOOK this week. 

Please also be sure to sign the Highlights form I sent home even if you do not wish to order. We receive credit for YES and NO responses - the more responses returned, the more free items I can get for our classroom! We're hoping to get a new set of name tag holders as well as some fun bug stickers!

Thanks so much!

I'm looking forward to another fun week with your first grader next week!
Until then...
Michelle Mullen

Monday, September 7th No School
Monday, September 14th No School
Wednesday, September 16th Parent Information Night 6:00pm-8:00pm
Wednesday, September 23rd No School


  1. Wow..looks like a fun filled week! No wonder Sophia come home excited each day and ready for the next day of school! Thank you for keeping us tuned in to the classroom happenings and for making learning fun for our kids! I also really enjoyed the article! A great list of questions to ask! Have another great week!
    ~Cristin Rodriguez

    1. So happy to hear that Sophia is enjoying her days at Stormonth! We LOVE having her in our classroom community! I'm so glad you enjoyed the article.

  2. Thanks for making learning fun for these kiddos! Looking forward to a wonderful year:)

  3. Replies
    1. Super School - I LOVE that! What a delight he is!

  4. Allison and I really enjoyed reviewing what happened at school last week; thank you for sharing :) It makes me very pleased as a parent to get to see what she is doing at school and she is proud when I review her accomplishments. This may sound silly, but when I would ask Allison what happened at school she would say I don't want to talk about it, so one day I said, "Well then, talk to the hand!" And, she did - told my hand everything about her day, so now I have her "talk to the hand" so that I know what's going on at school :) Deanna

    1. I'm so happy that you and Allison enjoyed reading about our week together AND that "talk to the hand" has a new meaning! I like yours so much better!

  5. It looks like you all had an awesome first week. Thanks for sharing the article, I'll be sure to share it with family and friends. Also, thank you for everything you do.

    Kendia's parents

    1. I'm so glad you not only enjoyed the article but that you will be sharing it as well! I'm so happy I get to spend my days with Kendia, so thank YOU for sending her to me each day!

  6. ialready commented yesterday as we read the blog with Rohan but for some reason it's not showing up, I aplologize if there are repeat comments!
    We loved reading up on all the kids did the first week, Rohan had a great first week and excited for the next!
    thanks for creating the blog and sharing it with us
    Ruhcita-Avi ( rohans parents)

    1. I'm so glad Rohan enjoyed his first week in first grade! He is a very motivated and attentive learner! Thanks for your comments!

  7. This is terrific! Rex and I just went through the week and it was so fun to see what it going on and talk about it together. Thank you for making this effort to communicate! Have a great week!

    1. So glad that you and Rex enjoyed the blog together! I'm glad that it served as a great conversation starter. Enjoy your week as well!

    2. So glad that you and Rex enjoyed the blog together! I'm glad that it served as a great conversation starter. Enjoy your week as well!
