Friday, October 23, 2015

October 19-22

Hello Families!
How nice it has been to meet with so many of you during parent-teacher conferences this week! It is truly a privilege for me to teach your children and work alongside you on our journey this year.

Here's a peek at our week:
In Writer's Workshop each of our writers selected a small moment piece that they are particularly proud of. We spent the bulk of the week revising these pieces by using all that we have learned about writing small moment pieces and bringing them to life. We even had a chance to view video clips of two authors sharing about their writing process. They revise ALL THE TIME!
We found out that author Kate Messner continues to revise
 her books even after they've been published!
We loved hearing all about Mo Willems' writing process!

 We also explored books and found craft moves that we would like to try in our own writing. We worked with a partner and put a post-it note at places where the author did something to really bring his/her story to life!

Next week we'll continue revising our pieces. We'll also use our checklists to edit our work and set goals for ourselves as writers. Finally, we'll share our work with others and receive feedback.

In Reader's Workshop we continue to add to our tool box of strategies for solving tricky words. We also took some time to visit retelling with a focus on characters and problem/solution. Rohan helped to retell Mo Willems' Knuffle Bunny by walking the Yellow Brick Road! Ask your first grader to tell you all about it!

We learned about bullying this week by discussing what it is, what to do if we are being bullied, if we see others being bullied, and if we ARE the bully. Ask your first grader to tell you about each of these.

The pamphlets were sent home with your first grader.

Last week we were assessed on the first four weeks of word wall words, and we were reassessed on any gaps in our knowledge of our K5 words. Any words that we are having difficulty reading or spelling were written on a 3X5 card and put in a baggie. Now we can practice these when we arrive in the morning and when we come to our guided reading groups. 

During Math Workshop, we're learning addition strategies to help us with our fact fluency. We are also spending time really getting to know how to explain our mathematical thinking in writing. This can be tricky, but we're really working hard!

Next Week's Word Wall Words:
or    one     had     by    put

Until then...
Michelle Mullen

Mark Your Calendars:
*The first and third Fridays of the month are Stormonth Spirit Wear days!

October 28th: Early Release Day
October 28th: Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 30th: Costume Parade & Classroom Celebration
November 11th & 25th: Early Release Days
November 24th: Music Performance
November 26th & 27th:
Thanksgiving Holiday
December 9th: Early Release Day
December 23rd-January 3rd: Winter Break

Friday, October 16, 2015

October 12-16

Hello Families!
Our friends all learned a bit about being flexible this week when I was out with a fever on Thursday, and they couldn't find a guest teacher for me. Mrs. Stark joined our friends for our morning routines, however, our afternoon was a bit topsy-turvy! They spent some time in Mrs. Hogue's room and then returned after specials to a new teacher, Mr. L, who ended their day with math. Sometimes things don't go as planned, but we do our best and are flexible. Thank you, friends! It reminds me of a story my husband told me about a speaker they had at USM. The speaker asked the group, "How many of you want your children to have problems?" Very few people raised their hands. The speaker then asked, "How many of you want your children to be problem-solvers?" Lightbulbs... and ALL HANDS up! A good lesson indeed!

I hope you all received a letter from your first grader about his/her writing accomplishments thus far in first grade. It was really fun for us to have a look at the first piece we ever did and compare it to the writing we're doing now. We're really growing as writers, BUT we still have a lot to work on! Goal setting is so important in first grade, and I encourage you to bring this up with your first grader every now and again. Begin the conversation with, "What are you doing really well as a reader/writer/mathematician/friend/scientist/etc. in school? Then follow up with, "What do you need to work on next? What are your goals as a reader/writer/etc.?"

This week in writing we learned how we can use words we know to help us spell new words. We also learned how important it is for our reader that we remember to include punctuation in our stories as well as uppercase letters at the beginning of sentences. Spaces are really important as well. When we forget these things, our story doesn't sound AT ALL the way we want it to! Ask your first grader to tell you my story that I was so proud of about my apple pie. When Mr. Mullen read it aloud, it didn't sound AT ALL how I wanted it to! Why not? 

We ended our week having a close look again at Night of the Veggie Monster. This time we looked at craft moves that George McClements used to REALLY bring his story to life. Ask your first grader to tell you why George used POP OUT WORDS, ellipses, and why he told the exact actions of the characters in his story. These are all powerful ways to really bring our stories to life! 

In reading this week, I have been busy assessing your first graders/ reading accuracy, strategy use, fluency, and comprehension. Once all of the data is collected and analyzed, we will begin strategy groups and guided reading. This meant we were busy building our stamina for read to self and partner reading. We are practicing our good reader habits independently and with our partners. We learned about how we can introduce our books to our partners. Ask your first grader what s/he should include in the introduction and what they should NOT include (not the ending - we don't want to give away the surprise)! We learned that partners don't just tell each other the word our partner is stuck on. NO WAY! We help them by suggesting strategies they can use to try to figure out or fix up the tricky word. Partners always do something at the end of a book as well. Ask your first grade reader to tell you a couple things partners can do at the end of a book. Our week ended with us celebrating all of the habits we have as readers now. We'll write about those habits on Monday as well as set goals for habits we need to work on. Ask your first grader to tell you each.

Next week we'll be reviewing our first 20 first grade word wall words. On Friday I assessed their ability to write these words. If your child has not mastered the spelling of any of them, they will spend next week practicing them in different ways. I'll share this list with you at conferences.

In math this week we began unit 2. We are representing and solving addition story problems by drawing simple shapes to represent the objects in the stories. We then learned how to replace these drawings with circle drawings. Symbols for equality and inequality were learned this week as well. Ask your first grader to tell you what the equal symbol means. S/he should tell you that it means "the same amount as."

Handwriting and Keyboarding began this week. Here we are busy with both of these important skills:

In science this week, we explored temperature and were introduced to thermometers. We used real thermometers to discover how a thermometer reacts to temperature. We also practiced reading the scale on a thermometer by counting by 2s and 10s. Finally, we related the numbers on the scale to hotter or colder temperatures.

We discovered that when we held the bottom of our
thermometers, the temperature would rise. Ask your
first grader to tell you what temperature this
thermometer shows.

All week long our teams have been taking turns recording wind speed, cloud cover, and precipitation. On Friday we also used this data to complete our own wind data graphs. We then analyzed this data to come to conclusions about the wind speed over the past week.

Rohan brought Sparky back and shared the page he added to Sparky's journal. In addition to filling out the safety checklist, Rohan's family also included photos to show Rohan practicing STOP, DROP & ROLL and to show one of their smoke alarms and their fire hydrant. Thank you for doing such a fantastic job!

Rohan's special talent was telling jokes and, boy, did he ever have us in stitches!

And finally, we ended our week with Chicken Soup With Rice! It was a perfect day to fill our bellies with some warm soup!

As you can see, those who tried it LOVED it! They even
told me I was a good cook! I had to break it to them
that Campbell's made it. :-)

Here's the link for a great contest called "Watermelon, Wondermelon."

Please let me know if your child decides to enter for either the watermelon slogan or the artwork. What a great way to encourage some creative writing in only 12 words!

Next week, first graders have off on Friday due to parent-teacher conferences. I'm looking forward to spending some time with many of you talking about your first grader! Until then...
Michelle Mullen

Mark Your Calendars:
*The first and third Fridays of the month are Stormonth Spirit Wear days!

October 28th: Early Release Day
October 22nd, 23rd and 28th: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, October 23rd: NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS
October 30th: Costume Parade & Classroom Celebration
November 11th & 25th: Early Release Days
November 24th: Music Performance
November 26th & 27th:
Thanksgiving Holiday
December 9th: Early Release Day
December 23rd-January 3rd: Winter Break

Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 5-9

Hello Families!
Our week included picture day as well as celebrations for the money we raised during the Scholastic Book Fair and for reaching a BUG milestone! Popsicles were delivered to all of Stormonth's students on Friday after lunch for surpassing our fundraising goal. We're so delighted to have helped a school in need! We also celebrated earning 1,000 BUGS for "Being Unusually Good" this year! This meant 1,000 seconds in our classroom of free choice activities. Some of us chose to watercolor, while others chose to play "POP!" to practice our sight words!

Here's what the rest of our week entailed...
Writer's Workshop: This week we revisited unfreezing our characters. We also sang an old favorite song together: The Itsy Bitsy Spider! This helped us learn another way to bring our stories to life: Telling them in itsy bitsy steps!

Here we are telling our small moment stories to our partners by telling them in small steps across our fingers...

Here's Maizie showing Allison how she wrote her story
bit by bit.

We also talked about how we can capture small moments when they happen and put them in our imaginary pocket until we have time to write them. When we pull them out of our pockets, we can tell them across our fingers. We found out that many of our stories are now 4 and 5 pages long with lots of details! Another way to add those details  and bring our stories to life is by bringing what's inside out.

Kevin Henkes did a GREAT job of bringing
the inside out in his story A Weekend
With Wendell. Ask your first grader
to tell you all about it!

We thought about our feelings and what we were thinking during the small moment. On Friday we turned into actors! We acted out our small moments with a partner and, boy, did this help us to add so much more to our stories! They are really coming to life! Here we are acting out our small moment stories...

Kendia even used a prop! The green unifix cube
represented her frog in her small moment.

In Reader's Workshop this week we continued to learn more ways to help us when we come to tricky words. We learned that we ALWAYS need to think about the meaning of the text: Does it make sense? We learned to double-check our reading by asking: Does it look right? Does it sound right? Does it make sense? It takes a lot of persistence, but we were up to the challenge because, just like The Little Engine Who Could, readers don't give up - they try, try and try again! On Friday we had a look at the vowels and a couple of our consonants. Talk about tricky! They make many different sounds! Sometimes we need to try a word two (or three!) different ways before we get it right. Here are some friends demonstrating how they solved these tricky words...
We did a terrific job practicing all of these strategies with our partners this week, and they were such helpful partners to me while I modeled getting stuck on tricky words! They encouraged me every step of the way!

Word Wall Words this week were:

Next week's words will be:
Our writers are always sure to have their writing folders
open to their 1st Grade Word Wall Words when they
write. Each week we highlight the new words we are
learning to read and spell and make sure we spell these correctly
in our writing. We're even noticing words we haven't focused
on yet!

We completed unit 1 in math. Unit 1 tests were sent home on Friday. Please review your child's with him/her and celebrate your first grader's hard work during our first unit, then send it back to school on Monday. Thank you! It would be helpful for some of our kiddos to be reminded to ALWAYS CHECK THEIR WORK - REALLY CHECK IT! Some friends were sad to see some errors that they knew the answer to. In unit 2 we'll be exploring  addition and subtraction strategies.

In science this week we learned about our weather recording routines which will begin next week. We'll be observing wind speed using a 0, 1, 2 scale - ask your first grader to tell you what each number means - cloud cover, and precipitation. Soon we'll add in reading the temperature on a thermometer.

Next week begins Star of the Week! We'll be learning more about Rohan! Sparky made it just in time this afternoon to go home with Rohan for the week. We can't wait to hear all about Rohan's home fire safety plan!
Until then...

Mark Your Calendars:
October 14th & 28th: Early Release Days
October 22nd, 23rd and 28th: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, October 23rd: NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS
October 30th: Costume Parade & Classroom Celebration
The first and third Fridays of the month are Stormonth Spirit Wear days!
November 11th & 25th: Early Release Days
November 24th: Music Performance
November 26th & 27th:
Thanksgiving Holiday
December 9th: Early Release Day
December 23rd-January 3rd: Winter Break