Saturday, June 13, 2015

Family Picnic! June 10th

Dear Families,
I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful year I have had with your kiddos! It has been an honor and privilege to spend my days with them. We have learned so much about ourselves as learners (and teachers!), about ourselves as friends, about ourselves as good stewards of our environment, and about ourselves as community members. 

I am amazed when I look back on our blog at all that we have accomplished this year. This is a really special group whom I am going to miss so very much. I hope you'll keep in touch - I'll be anxious to hear about a great book your child read, special family activities, sports events, and other special events in your child's life. We became a special little family, and we all know how important family is. Today I'm including photos of all of your families. Your support of your children and of me as their teacher this year has been incredible, and I bid a fond farewell to this school year with a very happy heart. I hope to run into each and every one of you this summer!

With Gratitude,
Michelle Mullen

A chorus of first graders: You Can Count on Me


  1. Thanks for a wonderful year . Madison learned so much this year . Thank you for all of the hard work you put in with our 1st graders. Have a great summer.

    1. Thank YOU, Sharon! I feel so blessed to have had Madison this year! Take good care!
