Saturday, April 4, 2015

March 23-27

Hello Families!
I hope this finds you enjoying the last couple days of your spring break. Our week in first grade prior to break was chock-full of goodness. Here's a sneak peek...

In math we began unit 6 where we'll be describing, organizing, and representing data. We began focusing on comparison problems and comparison statements, and our first graders are doing a remarkable job with this new learning! 

Speaking of math, on Monday the first grade teacher team met all day to focus on math. Mrs. Miller was our guest teacher, and was lucky enough to be with us on game day! This was our 2,000-seconds acknowledgement for B.U.G. behavior! Here we are enjoying this fun time together:

During writing this week, we finished up our book reviews.For our final celebration, we used what we know about reading to an audience (which we've been learning during Reader's Workshop) to present our best book review to our classmates. This, of course, was preceded by practicing this skill with our peers. 
Here we are practicing and receiving feedback so that we would know 
what we did well and what we could work on a bit more: 

I created a private youtube account so that you can see your book reviewers on video! Here's the link to our reviews:
Enjoy listening to and seeing your fabulous book reviewers!

During science this week our experiment was called "Gas in a Bag!" Ask your first grader to tell you about our experiment. What solids and liquids did we use? How did we use our senses to make our observations? What happened when we put the solid and the liquid in the bag? WHY did this happen? Let me tell you, it was pretty darn exciting!


And, finally, spring break calls for some spring cleaning, so we spent the last 20 minutes of our day doing just that. But, it wasn't just your typical spring cleaning; we made it FUN! Shaving cream does the trick when you want to get marker, crayon, pencil, etc. off of desks, so we took FULL advantage!

Thanks for stopping by!
Michelle Mullen

Mark Your Calendars...

April 7: Referendum VOTE. Please check the district website tab titled 
Referendum Update for more information about the referendum. 

April 15: Early Release

April 29: Early Release

May 13: Early Release

May 25: Memorial Day holiday

May 27: Early Release

May 28: Schlitz Audubon field trip

June 4: Lion King musical production 

June 10: Tentative date for first grade's "Show & Share" family picnic

June 12: Last day of first grade

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